Saturday, August 27, 2011

There's a birdie in there!

Danielle- Michela, Come here and have a bite.
Mickey- What did you make?
Danielle- I made a hard boiled egg.
Mickey- (after staring at it for a few seconds) I can't.
Danielle- Why not? It's good.
Mickey- Because there's a birdie in there.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


As we are leaving our apartment at 5 in the morning...
Me- Look how pretty the stars are, Michela.
Michela- Timon says that they are big fireflies!
Me- No, they aren't. What are they?
Michela- They are very big balls of gas, right?
Me- Good Job!
Michela- Did Timon lie?
Me- It's just a movie, Michela. He was Simba a story, that's all.
Michela- It's not just a movie! You lie!
Me- (it's 5 a.m....)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Me- Michela, can you go get your Toms please? It's time to go.
Michela- No, Daddy.
Me- Please? We need to leave.
Michela- No! I'm not a boy! I wear Sandals, not Toms!
Me- They are for girls. Mommy has some!
Michela- Then why to they call them Toms?
Me- Fair point.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

High Five!

After being slapped in the face...
Me- Why Did you slap me in the face?
Michela- I didn't!
Me- Now you're lying. Of course You slapped me.
Michela- I am not lying. I didn't slap you.
Me- Michela!
Michela- I didn't! I gave your face a high five.
Me- ...

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Me- Michela, where are you clothes?
Michela- I took them off 'cause they are wet.
Me- Why are they wet?
Michela-I peed on the floor and they got wet.
Me-WHAT? Why did you pee on the flop?
Michela- I said 'I need to go potty!'
Me- I was outside walking ella!
Me- You cannot pee on the floor. You're a human, not a dog.
Michela- I'm not a human and I'm not a waitress.
Me- No...No you're not...