Me- It's time for bed, little girlie.
Michela- Ok, but you have to give me some milk.
Me- We don't drink Milk at bedtime, Michela. Mommy and Daddy don't want you to go potty at night.
Michela- I won't go potty in my bed. I will wake up and tell you. Now can I have some milk, please?
Me- No, You can't. No milk at bedtime.
Michela- That doesn't make any sense, Daddy. It makes me happy to drink it, and I don't want to make the cows that make the milk sad, right?
Me- No, we don't want that.
Michela- Well, then you have to give me milk, otherwise I will cry and that will make the cows sad. See daddy, you HAVE to give me milk.
Me- I'm not giving you milk tonight. I love you, but you need to go to sleep now.
Michela- Ok, but you're making the cows sad, and that doesn't make any sense at all. Good night.
Me-( did I just lose an argument to a 3 year old?)